‘Living on the Summerley Private Estate’ - Code of Conduct
The Summerley Estate is a friendly, neighbourly Estate and this Code attempts to set out the guidelines for happy, communal living that has successfully evolved over the years. The Summerley Estate Management Company Ltd (SEMCO) will keep this Code up-to-date by reviewing it, and reaffirming support for it, at every AGM - issuing it to all new residents as part of the Residents’ Handbook.
The Code of Conduct needs to be read in conjunction with the Covenants on each house in the Estate, the benefit of which has passed to SEMCO as part of its acquisition of the freehold of the roads and verges from Greydune.
Parking - Covenants concerning roads make it clear that residents may not obstruct the roads in any way. Parking on the verges is similarly not allowed. Since 2016, a parking control scheme, approved by residents’ vote, has been in operation. Parking can cause problems for neighbours and the Estate has a ‘no parking policy’ which all residents abide by. This avoids congestion where the roads are narrow, more importantly it allows us to see non-resident cars. Car badges, visitor and trade permits can be requested via the residents’ portal or contact enquiries@summerleyestate.co.uk Please also see separate Parking Policy.
Security and Residents’ Car Badges – Every individual property owner is responsible for their own personal and household security. If individuals wish, they can install CCTV, motion detecting lights and / or video doorbells on their own property. The role of the parking patrol is to deter non-residents from entering the Estate and parking for beach access. This is far from easy and residents can help by displaying a residents’ badge in their cars.
Speed - We have an advisory 20 mph limit on the Estate roads which residents are requested to observe.
Pedestrians - As footways are limited on the Estate, pedestrians frequently use the roads so we ask that motorists please give them all the courtesy you would expect if you were walking. The Estate can be dark at night so pedestrians are urged to use a torch if they are unsure of the road. Pedestrians should also be mindful that they are walking on an unpaved road and should be ‘car aware’.
Wildlife – We have a great number of seagulls and foxes on the estate. Residents are asked not to feed them based on RSPCA & RSPB advice.
Refuse Collection – This is on a Thursday morning. Wherever possible, please put refuse bags in your refuse bin on the morning of collection to prevent wildlife from ripping them open.
Verges and Twittens - Each resident is responsible for maintaining the verges outside his or her house and for clearing overhanging growth into verges and twittens from trees and shrubs in his or her garden. The requirement is to keep the grass cut, the hedge trimmed and weeds down.
Dogs - This is a dog friendly Estate. Dogs are allowed off lead on the beach from the Summerley Estate. However, it is the law that dog owners keep the beach, roads and grass areas clean and tidy, so please ensure you clean-up after your dogs – bins are available at the seafront. Please also ensure when walking dogs on the Estate to keep them on the lead and not allow them to go into residents’ gardens.
Boats, Launch Ramps - This is a marine Estate and boat-friendly. However, this is limited by the ADC byelaws which exclude jet skis and motor craft launching from the Beach in this area. Residents who would like a key to the launch ramp gates (two gates, same key) can apply for one via the residents portal. There is a deposit to be paid and an agreement to be signed. Please use the launch ramps responsibly, the ADC shore officer will remove access if usage becomes a nuisance to residents and the public. Therefore please don’t block the roads or leave equipment at the ramp while you are on the water; we also appreciate residents keeping their boats in garaged or back garden areas rather than outside the front of the house.
Caravans, Vans and Motorhomes - We ask residents to refrain from parking these vehicles in full view on your property, but parked behind a fence, hedge or other screen and to be respectful of neighbours. Please also see the separate Caravan Code of Conduct which is contained within the Handbook for Residents, available on the residents portal.
Building & Development – Please see the Building Policy and Building Code of Conduct which are contained in the Handbook for Residents, available on the residents portal. Building working hours should reflect industry and ADC guidelines, i.e. 08.00 to 18.00 on weekdays, 08.00 to 13.00 on Saturdays, no work on Sundays.
Live and Let Live - finally, the general good neighbours rule. We live on a neighbourly and good spirited estate. Residents are outgoing and live life fully, whilst respecting their fellow neighbours. We ask that everyone living here be respectful of their fellow neighbours, for example: keep intrusive noise to a minimum (especially at the weekend), don’t let barbecue or bonfire smoke be a nuisance, tell neighbours when you’re planning to have construction work undertaken or a late night party. If there are disagreements between you and other residents, please have a calm discussion and come to a civil agreement – we all want to live on this beautiful estate and get along with our neighbours.
Any queries or concerns should be submitted via the residents portal.